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Retro Stuff

My recto Collection
Game Consoles


I don’t own that many game consoles at the moment when you compare to the amount that have actually been released.


I currently own:

  • PlayStation 1

  • PlayStation 2

  • Playstation 3 (slim)

  • Playstation 3 (Gen 1 from Japan)

  • Sega Mega Drive

  • Sega Master System 2

  • Original Xbox

  • XBOX 360

  • Nintendo 64

  • Game Cube

  • Nintendo Wii


The consoles I plan on collecting soon (in order of priority) are:​

  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System

  • Nintendo Entertainment System

  • Sega Dreamcast

  • Altari 2600

  • Many More

All of the consoles that feature a yellow composite plug can be thrown up onto the Projector screen.

Home Entertainment System


Home theatre 5.1: 

This is a Kenwood 5.1 home theatre system that I purchased on EBAY, when I got it, it had a bit of a cooling problem which I soon sorted out with a few PC fans, these fans are able to turn on and off with the system. Soon the fan with the blue light will also feature a Beat sensor so it flashes to the music. I will soon be getting a Double din Tape recorder to add to the collection.


DVD/VHS combo: 

I have 2 of these because the first player (LG) decided to die after about 7 years of use (VHS side), it started chewing tapes. So I went and purchased a new one from cash converters that worked for a few months before the rubber band that drives the VHS failed, I decided to do the repair myself using the other player to compare with. (I knew they failed for different reasons) I soon replaced the elastic band with a rubber band and the player came back to life (but for some reason no audio) I decided to try my original player just to see what it would do, and for some reason it decided to work properly. So now the original player works perfectly and the new one has developed a few issues.


Record Player: 

I also have a record player in this system that Works beautifully, I tend to prefer audio that was originally recorded on record to stay on record as it tends to maintain more of the quality the artist intended, Mp3 files tend to loose allot of quality, (yes I know about wave files and alike but I just prefer audio that was originally analogue to stay that way)


Analogue TV:

All of this is connected to an Old analogue TV, I prefer to stay analogue for much the same reasons as I stay with Records and VHS when possible. While watching older video's and playing the older game consoles I find that the analogue preserves more of the colour and feel of the movies/games. I find that especially when playing the older consoles on the newer LCD TV’s most of them can’t upscale the picture properly and ends up leaving the picture washed out and pixelated.


Analogue TV 2:

This TV is connected over Analogue coaxial cable coming from the DVD/VHS combo players, and is able to mirror what the first TV shows while maintaining its independence, this TV has limited capabilities of displaying a different picture to the first TV, when using devices that are connected via the Coaxial Cable, like the SEGA consoles which work over Coaxial ATV signals.

As a hobby I like to collect equipment that uses old technology. I aim to collect (eventually) most of the older generation gaming systems and equipment. However I only collect the generic versions, I will not collect any of the themed versions. Any device that came before the HDMI era qualifies to be in my retro collection.

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