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Networking and VPN
Xbox 360 Workings

Since I first owned an XBOX 360 back in 2006 which of course died  (it was first gen) I became very interested in how the Xbox 360 worked and what Microsoft had done wrong in the design of the original Xbox 360 (GPU heat sink was too small) this lead to me also doing research on the software and the security system that is used in the XBOX 360.

Being able to network and make devices co-exist with each other on the network is very interesting for me. During my networking era I have been fortunate enough to collect quite a few routers that have different capabilities, 2 of the routers have been re-flashed with DD-WRT, and Open-WRT to be able to unleash these routers and use them on more tasks.

I was first introduced to Linux back with Fedora core 4, since then I have moved over to the Debian/Ubuntu streams, I do agree that Linux is a very good and secure system to use, I have installed servers, desktops and routers with different Linux distributions and had many successful results. I believe that once Linux gets a more useable interface Linux will make more progress in the desktop world. Click to see my Linux Page

As you may have read on some of my other pages, I have a strong interest in Retro devices. There are still a fair few older computers and devices that can be re-talked and used for modern day purposes, most of my older computers have been re-installed with different versions of Linux such as puppy Linux which has breathed new life into these older machines.

Retro Equipment

Skills and Interests


This page shows some of the things that I have played around with and discovered. This may included entire devices, unknown device capabilities, or simply new ways that devices can be (which are outside the scope for which they were designed). As I think of more of things I will post them here.

Apple PC's

Since my course at Evocca Collage gave me An Apple Macbook Pro I have been doing a lot of research between apple computers and apple phones and what they can support and do. Throughout my friends groupI am also known as the person who is able to get these computers to work the way they should, or be able to run other software such as linux. 

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